Exclusive: UK abolishes ‘buy-one-get-one-free’ deals on unhealthy food in bid to tackle obesity crisis

The UK government has announced plans to abolish ‘buy-one-get-one-free’ (BOGOF) deals on unhealthy food products in a bid to tackle the country’s obesity crisis..

The move is part of a wider strategy to improve the nation’s health and follows a consultation launched last year which found that a majority of respondents supported a ban on such promotions..

Unhealthy food products are defined as those high in fat, sugar or salt, and the ban will apply to all food and drink products except fresh produce..

The government says that the ban will help to reduce the consumption of unhealthy food and drinks, and will particularly benefit low-income families who are more likely to buy BOGOF deals..

It is estimated that the ban will save the NHS £1 billion a year by reducing the number of people who develop obesity-related illnesses such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes..

The ban is due to come into effect in October 2023, and businesses will be given a year to prepare for the changes..

The government is also considering a number of other measures to tackle obesity, including a ban on junk food advertising before 9pm and a tax on sugary drinks..

The UK has one of the highest obesity rates in Europe, with around two-thirds of adults overweight or obese..

Obesity is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer..

The government says that the ban on BOGOF deals is a key part of its strategy to tackle obesity and improve the nation’s health..

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