Google wants to build a $100 million cable across the Atlantic to boost internet speeds

Google is reportedly planning to build a new subsea cable across the Atlantic Ocean, with the aim of boosting internet speeds and reliability between the US and Europe. The project, which is expected to cost around $100 million, would be the first new transatlantic cable built in over a decade..

The cable would run from Virginia Beach, Virginia, to Bude, Cornwall, in the UK, and would have a capacity of 250 terabits per second (Tbps). This would make it one of the fastest subsea cables in the world..

Google is said to be working with a number of partners on the project, including the UK government and the US telecommunications company Verizon. The project is expected to be completed by 2024..

The new cable would be a significant investment for Google, but it would also be a major boost for the company’s cloud computing business. Google Cloud is one of the largest cloud providers in the world, and it is constantly looking for ways to improve its performance and reliability..

The new cable would also be a benefit to consumers in the US and Europe. It would provide faster and more reliable internet speeds, which would be particularly beneficial for businesses and individuals who rely on the internet for work or leisure..

The project is still in the early stages of development, but it is a sign of Google’s commitment to investing in its cloud computing business. The new cable would be a major boost for Google Cloud, and it would also be a benefit to consumers in the US and Europe..

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