ASOS names sustainability expert non-exec director

ASOS names sustainability expert non-exec director

ASOS has named a new non-executive director with Anna Maria Rugarli joining the board and becoming Chair of the ESG Committee.


She’s a sustainability and CSR expert with more than 20 years of experience working with leaders in global apparel, including NikePrada

ASOS said she’s “specialised in creating innovative strategies to address some of the most pressing environmental and social challenges faced by the industry today, as well as providing end-to-end oversight through implementation and rollout”.

Experts in areas such as ethics, sustainability and corporate governance are increasingly important to the boards of companies that are stock exchange-listed. 

Such companies are in the sights of governments as far as regulation is concerned, and the consumers the businesses are selling to. Those consumers increasingly expect them to be on their best behaviour. Survey after survey has shown that shoppers are prepared to vote with their wallets and shift their custom from companies not doing the right thing.

ASOS Chairman Jørgen Lindemann said: “Anna Maria joins us with a wealth of ESG experience from some of the biggest brands in global apparel. The board will greatly benefit from her expertise.”

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