Frasers Group now holds over 15% of Boohoo

Frasers Group now holds over 15% of Boohoo

Frasers Group is continuing its stake-building in Boohoo


Despite the share price rising slightly on Monday, it remains below 30p, well down from the more-than-£4 it fetched just a few months after the first lockdowns began.

Earlier this month it emerged that its holding had risen to 13.43% from 10.42%. And a stock exchange filing on Monday showed it now holds 15.12%. 

The previous purchase had already made Frasers the single largest shareholder in Boohoo.

Frasers has made no official comment on the stake-building recently, although CEO Michael Murray did say that he’s the one in the driving seat of the current round of share purchases.

That came in an interview with the Telegraph this month in which Murray insisted majority Frasers shareholder Mike Ashley

He said the investments are “mid-flight. All I can do is talk about how it looks very obvious afterwards. Flannels

Frasers has also built up a big stake in Boohoo rival ASOS, as well as big holdings in Hugo BossMulberry

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