Bangladesh Protests Halt Production for Top Fashion Brands: Union

Dhaka, Bangladesh – A wave of protests and strikes by workers in Bangladesh has brought production to a standstill for several major fashion brands, including H&M, Zara, and Gap, according to a union representing the workers. The protests, which began on December 1, are demanding better wages and working conditions..

Thousands of workers have taken to the streets in the capital Dhaka and other cities, chanting slogans and holding placards. They are demanding a 100% increase in their minimum wage, which currently stands at 8,000 taka ($97) per month. They are also demanding improved safety standards and an end to the widespread practice of verbal and physical abuse in the factories..

The protests have already had a significant impact on production. According to the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), exports from the country’s garment industry fell by 15% in December compared to the same month in 2021. The BGMEA has called on the government to intervene and resolve the dispute as soon as possible..

The protests are a major test for the Bangladesh government, which has been under pressure from both international brands and labor rights groups to improve working conditions in the garment industry. The industry is a major source of foreign exchange for Bangladesh, and employs millions of people..

The union representing the workers, the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIF), has accused the brands of failing to take responsibility for the poor working conditions in their factories. The BGIF has called on the brands to sign a legally binding agreement that would commit them to improving wages and working conditions..

The brands have so far resisted signing such an agreement, arguing that it would be too costly and would make them uncompetitive in the global marketplace. However, they have said that they are committed to working with the government and the unions to find a solution to the dispute..

The protests are a reminder of the challenges facing the global fashion industry, which has been under increasing scrutiny in recent years over its environmental and social practices. The industry is worth an estimated $2.5 trillion a year, but it is also one of the most polluting industries in the world..

The protests in Bangladesh are also a reminder of the power of workers to organize and fight for their rights. The workers in Bangladesh are demanding a living wage and a safe working environment, and they are determined to continue their protests until their demands are met..

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